Donnerstag, 7. März 2013


Application for Doctoral Positions

MIMESIS, the newly established Munich Doctoral Program for Literature and the Arts at LMU Munich funded by the Elite Network of Bavaria offers:

6-8 doctoral positions (E13 TV-L, 66%)
starting 1 August 2013 or soon thereafter (1 October 2013 at the latest)
Deadline: 30 April 2013.

The International Doctoral Program (IDP) MIMESIS is dedicated to innovative doctoral research in the fields of literature and the arts, with special emphasis on  historical, theoretical and transdisciplinary perspectives. It will enable cooperation between research projects in literature, theatre, performance, music, film studies, architecture and the visual arts, offering both a forum and a framework in which interests drawn from any one of these areas enter into a dialogue with other areas in the wider spectrum of creative engagements. Its research program is framed by the term mimesis, a key concept throughout the history of the arts, right up to the most recent developments in critical and cultural theory. MIMESIS offers a structured program of doctoral study combining seminars, workshops, lecture series and master classes. In addition internships with leading cultural institutions and at partner universities will be integrated into the study program.

Further information can be obtained on the website:

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